Year in Review

A few days ago, I ran across a Facebook memory of mine talking about gifts the God had given me that year. It still makes me smile thinking about them. I stopped to think about what gifts God had given me this year, if any, in the middle of such a tough year for so many. Of course there were gifts. There are always gifts, even when we don't recognize them right away. The gift of rest. This spring there was no hustling and bustling from work to sports to ... VIEW POST

Introduction to The Sofa Series with Karen Sipps

Karen Sipps is a published devotional and Bible Study author. In her words, The Sofa Series is... Bible commentary for the "rest" of us. The ones who didn’t go to seminary, but are still fascinated with where the descendants of the tribes of Israel are today, or really want to know the back story behind why Jacob had two wives and why he worked so long for his father in law, or why did the woman at the well come in the middle of the day? Bible study asks "why", and then shares what you learned ... VIEW POST