Woo hoo for Esther Girl Thursdays! Thursdays are for you – YOU, yes YOU! It’s your day to sparkle and shine as you share your Esther 4:14 moments.
What’s an Esther Girl Moment? For Esther, it was that moment in Esther 4:14 when Mordecai encouraged her to say,
“What if this moment right here – this is the one you were created for? Your whole life has led up to this moment. This moment, right here.“
That’s your Esther Girl moment – your “Perhaps This” moment, big, small, or somewhere in between. THIS moment – what if it is the moment you were meant to get out of your own boat and do something amazing for God? Whether it’s raising kids at home, pursuing your passion, sharing a recipe, or flinging off whatever chains you have to pursue your lifelong passions. It’s the moment Mordecai asked Esther “What if this very moment is the moment you were created for – the moment you married a king to set your people free… despite your background, your history, your parentage, this moment is why you are here.”
That’s what Esther Girl is. It’s your space to share your stories – no matter how big or small – to encourage and empower others.
Don’t have a blog? It’s all good! Just leave an encouraging comment instead!
Cheering for you,

I love this concept and it encouraged me to study Esther and that verse! I can’t wait for the moment to participate with my own Esther Girl” moment!!❤️