The internet, twittersphere, and everywhere else errupted with viewpoints from everyone and their brother who wanted to spout off their two cents on how suicide is the selfish option. As unpopular as my non-Hollywood opinion is, I don’t for one minute believe that suicide is selfish. I think it’s the best (not only; best) option the person believed they had at the time. We don’t know what someone faces each day unless they tell us. And when they tell us? If they tell us? It’s not our place to brush it off or make them feel as if they should move on. To place your soul at its most bare condition in the hands of someone else without fear of judgment is the most vulnerable position a person can place themselves in. And to do it voluntarily? Whoa.
God will provide the who, why, and what, if we’ll provide us.
photo credit: Lachlan Hardy via photopin cc
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