But I look around and see the house that is still messy from a sale I haven’t put products away for yet, and literally 8 loads of laundry that were in the garage from our last move that are either outgrown or a different season (which after laundering, will need to be sorted for Goodwill or put away), I look at the email of a person who wants to know why I didn’t work on their project on a holiday (I did work,
just on an urgent project for a client that they can’t see) and I wonder how does a 4-day weekend go by with things left undone? Better yet, how am I going to find the time for these things when I DON’T have a 4-day weekend coming again soon?
I’m starting to feel like even Calgon can’t handle the problem.
As I look to the heavens for some – any – direction, I hear it. The voice that says “You are a flute”.
I hear it again. “You are a flute.”
Ummmm… Shrill? Melodious? Squeaky? Light and airy? I’m not following.
“No”, I hear. “You are a flute. Stop trying to be the entire orchestra.”
Ohhhhh. Now I get it. There are 100 different notes that need to be played in a musical piece. I wasn’t designed to play them all. There’s no harmony when one instrument tries to take the place of several others, and sheer noise when a flute tries to take on a piece meant for a trombone. It just doesn’t work. God is straight up telling me it is that way with me! Why do I continually try to be so many pieces of the orchestra, when I would be happiest just the way He designed me – playing the part that was written for me, as a melodious, whimsical, wafting yet bright, peaceful… flute.
Has God given you a part to play that you aren’t playing or haven’t had time to focus on because you’re in 100 different directions, playing 100 different pieces but your own? What parts are you trying to play that aren’t written for you?
I’m a flute, and it’s up to me to be obedient with the song that only I can play, not be so busy with so many other parts of the orchestra that I don’t even have time to open the songbook.
In His Grace,
Christy says
I love it when God speaks amid the chaos and calms my spirit! Thanks for sharing.