
On Control (And How God Often Works On Chaperones More Than Youths at Youth Camp.)

Sometimes I feel led to open the doors of my blog to friends - those who don't have blogs of their own, but still have something God has laid on their hearts. Today is such a day. My friend Renee Renner chaperoned Fuge, a Christian camp for youths who've completed 6th grade through college, held at Mississippi College this summer. Here are her thoughts from that week: On what God did for the kids who attend FUGE camp: We spent a lot of time at Fuge focusing on what God was doing in the ... VIEW POST


This post. It's not like my usual posts. I can't seem to make the sentence form paragraphs, and paragraphs form thoughts, but I'll try my best. Let's say you have a scenario going on in the living room where all four (or five or eighty-seven) of your family members are happily getting along. Life is great. And then you hear a noise upstairs in the bathroom and you go to investigate and you find that someone left the water running, and the water has spilled over the edge of the bathtub, down ... VIEW POST


Jehovah Rusha: Fastest God in the West

I sit here in my car before Wednesday night services, listening to birds sing from the pines, and We Are Messengers sing from the speakers. I type with one hand, because I broke the other wrist in two places this weekend. Fun times at Casa de Sipps. All weekend long, I waited for the miraculous revelation. That point where God flung himself out of heaven to speak from the burning bush and reveal this pivotal moment's purpose. But it didn't come. Let me backtrack to tell you that in ... VIEW POST