Special Needs Parenting

It came to my attention recently that there are a lot. I mean A LOT. Of parents who are out there with no clue about what the first step to getting help for your special needs child might be. And that’s okay – there’s no judgement here – because I was that mom a few years ago, and I had no clue where to start either.

The very best gift I can give you is to tell you what I had to do to get where we are. Maybe your journey won’t be quite the same, but you’ll at the very least, walk away armed with knowledge. In the meantime, if you’re not ready for facts and just need some encouragement from someone who is walking on this same path with you, read these posts.

Know that every special needs child is different. Autism (which is just one diagnosis my son has, but not the only one) has an entire spectrum or range of symptoms. No child should ever be above or beneath another based on how “autism-ish” he or she seems.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out for prayer if you need it. No mom should walk this path alone – we can and SHOULD support each other.




Encouraging Posts:

The Top 10 Things I Wish We’d Known When We First Got Our Autism Diagnosis

To The Mom Facing A Learning Disability Diagnosis

Confessions of a Bad Mom: The Way Back

Just When You Think It’s Another “Confessions of a Bad Mom” Post

The Latest Journey

On School Schedules and Missed Conferences



504-Meeting Communication Printable for school meetings