
How Can We Help Our Fellow Christians, Part 2

August 10, 2014: It's a new morning. I'm still thinking about these Christian children who are being beheaded, and the mommies and daddies who have to watch. The women who are being raped, and then killed. These girls who have been stolen from their church school. And then there's me. A Christian woman on the other side of the globe. Have you ever wondered why you were born into a country of privilege, the family you have, or why you live where you live? It's ALL for the glory of God, even ... VIEW POST


How Can We Help Our Fellow Christians, Part 1

August 9, 2014: It is so hard to write this post today. I learned today of Christian children in Iraq who are being beheaded for their faith in God. Beheaded.  And combine that with the 200 Nigerian girls that were kidnapped from their Christian school and have yet to be returned to their families. Only heaven and hell knows what has happened to these girls since their capture. Everything else that I have to say seems so trivial.   Our problems are not problems... what's for supper, ... VIEW POST

Through the Desert Week 3: Why We Can’t Move

I can barely remember what I did last Thursday, let alone two weeks ago. So much happens in a week, a month, or even a year, and a year involving tragedy or loss can seem even longer. When we're in our desert, any amount of time is too long. Imagine if you wandered for forty years. That's how long the Israelites traveled through the desert on their way to the Promised Land. A trip that should have taken just a few weeks instead took one THOUSAND TIMES longer than it should have. Bear in mind, ... VIEW POST