I’m not sure how it started or exactly when I gave myself permission to not have to be friends with the entire world.
Some people I actually wanted to be friends with. Some people were friends from work, or friends from church, or choir, or even from way back in kindergarten. Some were really cool hostesses of mine who became friends, and I’m so happy about that. Some people I’ve met once and knew we were friends at heart, and Facebook helped us be better friends at heart. Some people, let’s be honest, I’d always wanted to be friends with but I wasn’t cool enough way back when. But now? Well, I’m still not cool enough.
P.S. If I’ve hugged you in person, you can pretty much assume this post is not about you. But if you need to clean, and I end up being booted, I get it. Love ya, mean it.
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Yes!!! I am so afraid to hurt feelings if I delete someone… But I have decided just stepping away from Facebook a little more is what I need. I love your new web design, by the way!!!
I agree 110%
I would cross the street to go to your funeral. Not that I want to do that any time soon! 😉