Welcome to The Sofa Series. Our ultimate goal in the series is to not just understand more of the Bible, but through the series, get to know who God really is. Here on the sofa, you'll pull up your comfiest chair, tuck your feet under your Snuggie, and dig into God's Word. Here, we're informal yet unafraid to dig into the hard-to-understand things in God's Word. Here, all are welcome, regardless of how much you already know (or don't!) about the Bible. Are you ready? The Reading Plan: ... VIEW POST

Leaning Into Community
September has been lovely, but not long enough. In my quest for contentment, peace, and closeness to Jesus, I embarked on a month of rest. #SabbathSeptember. Limited social media. Holding friends and kids and spouses closer. No to time squashers and yes to snuggles and silly sleepovers. But September's nearly over and I feel I've only scratched the surface of "rest." Urgency crept over me today at lunch as I looked at the calendar and realized I have just two days left. (Lemme just tell ya ... VIEW POST

On Manna, Quail, Redemption, And The Long Road Home
It's no secret that I talk to God. I've told you that before. Over the past two years, I've done a whole lot of talking and praying, seeking and asking. When we first moved from our home, we did so out of necessity. The contract job I held was ending, and there were no jobs in my field available. We could stay and be homeless, or go... and be not homeless. And God opened a position way out in the middle of nowhere for a company that wanted me to come work for them. The choice seemed clear. ... VIEW POST

Stranger Danger, and Other Tales of the Week
I wish I could tell you that being a Christian means life is always sunshine and roses but I can't. Sometimes it means you stalk your neighborhood in the worst stranger danger-ish way, and give the death stare to your spouse. In the most loving, Christ-like way. Of course. This week we lost our dog.I mean I lost my dog. the dog that I loved and loved me most is lost by no one in particular. It wasn't as if someone let him out and refused to let him back in. They let him out to use the ... VIEW POST
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