Her statement really bothered me. And I know why. In a very long season of searching for God’s desires for me, bringing my problems to Him daily, and seeking and searching God’s heart for His path for me, the Bible has been such an integral part of my journey. I have searched God’s word for answers, encouragement, and wisdom, and here’s what I’ve found:
The Bible isn’t all about our hopes and dreams coming true. It’s not all about our problems.
However, it IS timeless. It is the living word, speaking to our hearts the way nothing else can.
Because we will have problems (Joseph? David? Jesus? Moses? Samson?), we can use God’s word as an example of how to work through those problems, how to learn patience, how to handle those problems, and how to encourage our friends through those problems as well.
Now that’s a lovely thought to bring for the day. Thank you!