So often, I am consumed with whys and whens. Why this, why that, why doesn't God help me with this, or when is God going to reveal that? More often than not, it's related to life in general, my career, what I should be doing or not doing, or if I'm on the right path. I've written about why God doesn't just give us a GPS showing us the way to go just like my Garmin does...with a little checkered flag at the end of our journey that says "You will arrive here in 2 hrs 47 minutes, making this ... VIEW POST
To be or not to be…
Sometimes I get so confused about what God wants from me. Especially lately. Not in the angry "What do you want from me?!?!" questioning God sort of way, but the dazed and confused "what am I supposed to be when I grow up?!?" kind of way. Thus, I've embarked on a quest of sorts. You see, my children will be starting school in the Fall. Preschool, but school nonetheless. I can't help but think that had I led my life differently, I would already be a teacher by now. But, no use crying over ... VIEW POST
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet…
Fall at our home always means the pitter patter of little feet. I heard them this past Monday, at exactly 5:18 am. This is not the sound of people feet mind you, but different little feet. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard, or Chinese water torture. Little tiny mouse teeth chewing through my walls. I don’t know if my house has an invisible 3 inch tall “come on in, you’ll LOVE it here” sign in front of it or what, but they always come with the first frost of the season. Last Fall I ... VIEW POST

Lessons From the Seashore…
As a parent, sometimes it’s easy to assume that we are always the teacher and our children are always the students. We were very blessed to be able to take a quick weekend getaway to the beach during Fall break. Over the past 4 years during our annual coastal getaway, the twins have gone from hating the sand, to tolerating it, to this year, loving it. We went crabbing, hunted for seashells, swam in the pool, built sandcastles, dodged wayward jellyfish, and splashed in the ocean. But during ... VIEW POST