Becoming A Woman After God's Own Heart

Becoming a Woman After God’s Own Heart

We hear all the time how David "was a man after God's own heart" yet we don't hear of anyone else in the Bible who was described in the same way. What does that even mean? What made David so special? Does it mean David was perfect? That David had no problems? God loved David more than anyone else? And what does it mean to be a woman after God's own heart today? David sure wasn't perfect. He screwed up a lot. Often. And Big. Where there was trouble, he seemed to be right in the middle of it. ... VIEW POST


Esther Girl Link Up, June

Woo hoo for Esther Girl Thursdays! Thursdays are for you – YOU, yes YOU! It’s your day to sparkle and shine as you share your Esther 4:14 moments. What’s an Esther Girl Moment? For Esther, it was that moment in Esther 4:14 when Mordecai encouraged her to say, “What if this moment right here – this is the one you were created for? Your whole life has led up to this moment. This moment, right here.“ That’s your Esther Girl moment – your “Perhaps This” moment, big, small, or somewhere in ... VIEW POST

Through The Desert Series: Exodus

Through The Desert, Week 4: How We Get Out

For those of you stuck in the middle of the desert… I feel you. I feel your pain. I hear your heart and know exactly how it is to be exactly where you are. Why are you stuck here? (Because God says so.) What did you do to deserve this? (Nothing.) And the most important question: How do we get out? You're not going to like this answer. It's not a quick fix. Listen up, friend. I've been there. I've been stuck in the desert, waiting and waiting, and waiting on God to bring me out of a (in ... VIEW POST


6 Reasons You Need To Read “More Than Sales: Seeking God’s Heart For Your Direct Sales Business”

Today's the day: February 12, 2014. For a year, this project has been on my heart. It started last year, at our leadership retreat. I didn't feel very leader-y. In fact, I was wondering what on earth I was doing at a leadership retreat when all I really wanted to do was throw in the towel. Every day I was met with a new challenge, a new doubt, a new fear. I would pray... and pray... and pray some more and one day in the middle of my prayer I got an answer. It was "Are you gonna stop ... VIEW POST