Unknown Soldier

What to Say When You See A Serviceman

Some of the conversations we've had in our house today involved learning about veterans, the different branches of the military, and a reminder about the difference between Veteran's Day and Memorial Day. "Do we still have wars?" "Yes, we do." "If there are still wars that we are involved in, why do we get to just walk around and be free?" "It's because they KEEP us free, baby. They leave their families and homes and loved ones to protect us and our freedoms, even for those who ... VIEW POST


The Big Break Up

The end of the year is a pretty big time in the blogging/writing community. November marks NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) wherein participants are challenged to write 50,000 words from November 1st to November 30th. It's also PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) which challenges participants to come up with one picture book concept daily. Both of those are book-related. But in October, November, AND December, depending on your blogging genre and intended audience, you can also find a ... VIEW POST


When Hope Is All You Have

There are roles in my life - jobs that I have - where payment seems almost criminal. The work is easy for me, and although necessary, I love doing it so much that it seems like it should simply be a gift. Other roles? Sometimes even double or twice my salary isn't enough to justify the insanity therein. Those are the days I want to give them up. Those are the hard days when I want to just chuck these roles out the window and say, "To heck with this, let's just quit." Life's not all gum ... VIEW POST


The One Thing That I Don’t Do

If you ask the hubs what things Karen doesn't do, he'd probably tell you nothing. Wait, I take that back. He'll tell you I don't vacuum. And he'd be right; I don't vacuum. But I meant career-wise, life's-purpose-wise, use-all-your-talents-and-gifts-wise. The other day he made some crazy comment while we were discussing something else. It went something along the lines of: Me: "Oh that looks fun. I should sign up for that and do THAT." Hubs: "Yes, cause you need something else on your ... VIEW POST