Faithful With Little

I would say 99.999%. That’s about the percentage of time I am normally joyful and perky. But every now and then that half-of-a-half-of-a-half of a percent of the time, I am grumpy. Or doubtful, or discouraged. And it just eats me up. Take today for instance. Now for those of you who don’t know, I wear many different "official" career hats, as well as some "unofficial" ones. One hat is an engineer, another is a Senior Director (aka: leader) with Thirty-One Gifts, and the last is an authorized ... VIEW POST

If You See a New Bald Spot…

I have to hand it to Apple. They’ve really spoon-fed me for years. I've had my own website for about 6 years now. And not the “Here are all our family photos for the 3 people on the planet who might be remotely interested in seeing them” website. Rather, this site was built for public consumption! was built on the premise that parents need great stories to read to their children, that our society needs to return to the simple every now and then, and that children ... VIEW POST

How Magic Mike Lost His Magic

I don't remember when it was exactly - two weeks ago? I was minding my own business, all set to go out on a girls' night out to see Magic Mike on the big screen. I'll be the first to admit it. I've had my eye on Channing Tatum ever since I saw him in Step It Up. (What can I say, I fall hard for any sort of dance movie, everything from Fred and Ginger's black and white films to Richard Gere in Shall We Dance?) So when Channing's new movie previews came out, I was signed up and ready to buy my ... VIEW POST

Mission Possible enemy #4: ME!

Learn: Mission Possible – Matthew 19:26 – with God all things are possible!!Your mission, should you choose to accept it Dream Team, is to use the next few days to identify and conquer the things in your life that make success seem imPossible.Enemy #4: MeLet’s face it, sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Maybe we don’t have concerns with doubts, or fear, or comparing ourselves to others. Sometimes, the difference between imPossible and Possible is us. Our failure to plan, or inconsistency, or ... VIEW POST